

The Challenges of Bankruptcy with Your Taxes

HOW BANKRUPTCY MAY IMPACT YOUR TAX SITUATION? Filing for bankruptcy may have an impact on your taxable income. However, the extent of that impact will depend on your personal circumstances and the type of bankruptcy you file for. It is important to understand that bankruptcy may result in unanticipated adverse tax consequences and expose a... View Article

Tax Implications During a Debt Settlement Program or Bankruptcy

Deb settlement programs and bankruptcy may have significant implications for your tax situation. HOW MAY A DEBT SETTLEMENT PROGRAM IMPACT YOUR TAXES? A debt settlement program can get a debtor out of debt fast and save them tens of thousands of dollars, but there are a couple of minor downsides, such as potential tax liability.... View Article

Alternative Solutions – Credit Counseling & BK

Consumers who have fallen behind on paying their bills can often find themselves targeted by aggressive debt collectors who have been hired by their creditors. These situations can be confusing and stressful. There are laws in place to protect consumers – and make sure that they are properly informed during the debt collection process.