
Statute of Limitations

Statute of Limitations for Unpaid Debts

Statutes of limitations are established to protect debtors from being exposed to debt collectors or creditors for a specific length of time and prevent those debtors from being exposed to legal actions for old debts. What Is the Statute of Limitations for Debt? The statute of limitations for debt is the amount of time during... View Article

The Statute of Limitation on Debt in Ohio

If you live in Ohio and have old debts, the statute of limitations could be your ally. There are some important things to know about the state law and how you can avoid paying off a debt that is too old to be collected. What is the Statute of Limitations? The statute of limitations for... View Article

Statute of Limitations Debt – Credit Card Collection Case In Georgia

  Georgia’s Statute of Limitations Gives Credit Card Companies and Other Creditors Up to 6 years to Sue Debtors  Georgia’s creditor-friendly statute of limitations gives certain creditors, like credit card companies, up to six years to sue a debtor. Consumers in Georgia who have an uncollected debt should pay attention to the statute of limitation... View Article